Combined Tactical Systems Training Institute (CTSTI) I had the honor and privilege to instruct the 3-day Instructor Certification Program for Combined Tactical Systems in Monroeville, PA this month. Many thanks to Chief Kenneth Cole and the Monroeville Police Department for hosting us at their range facilities. The course was well attended with over twenty LE…
Connecticut SWAT Challenge 2022 The 2022 CT SWAT Challenge was held during the week of August 15th. The range utilized was the Hartford Gun Club in East Granby, CT and Marriott in Windsor, CT was the headquarters hotel. As expected, the event was an immense success. The event is currently under the auspices of Our…
On the road after COVID: Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office and FEI host Combined Systems Training Event The Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with New York Distributor, FEI hosted a 3-day Instructor Certification Program, topics included less-lethal/specialty impact munitions, chemical munitions, and flashbang munitions. A cadre of instructors representing the CTS Training Institute (CTSTI) was…